The History of Susanna and the Two Elders

So, so, this girl named Susanna, she was married to a rich man named Joakim and she was lucky enough to be very pretty. Like, drop dead gorgeous, k? Well, these two elder dudes kinda noticed that she was pretty and would watch her as she took her walks around the garden. These creepers made a plan to catch her alone and make her sleep with them. So, they did find her alone and basically said “either sleep with us or we’ll accuse you of adultery with a young man and get you in trouble.” So she said “heck no! Do your worst! I ain’t sleeping with y’all!” So they accused her in front of the elders and everyone was about to straight up believe them and put her to death, but then my boi Daniel (yes, the one who survived being cooked alive) called them all out on their BS and said that they didn’t know her side of the story and that God told him these two losers were lying. So, he questioned the two men separately and asked them both the same question, “what tree did Susanna and her lover hide under?” Simple little question, but they did done mess up. They told him two different trees and looked like the lying idiots they were. So, the two men were the ones that ended up being put to death and everyone was like “great job, Daniel! You’re super smart!” and Susanna continued her virtuous life and lived happily ever after with her hubby and kids.

If you want all the deets, go here:  Douay-Rheims Daniel 13


